Subcommittee On Curriculum 7FEB19

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Agenda Information
  • Agenda Name*
    Subcommittee On Curriculum 7FEB19
    Subcommittee On Curriculum 7FEB19
  • Committee*
    Subcommittee on Curriculum
  • Notes:




    The following proposals have been withdrawn by Music and Writing Intensive Committee. 

    11.8 Program Proposal: Revise Music, Music Industry Emphasis--Classical Track, B.A.
    11.9 Program Proposal: Revise Music, Music Industry Emphasis--Jazz and Commercial Track, B.A.

    12. Proposal from the Writing Intensive Committee; Polina Chemishnova
    12.1 Program Proposal: Add MUS 3930 The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era to the list of Writing Enriched Courses 



    Subcommittee on Curriculum

    Thursday, February 7, 2019

    3:30 PM Room 213 University Center


    Members:Monika Brown (LETT to 2019), Tracy Cooper (SBS to 2019), Diana Lee, Secretary (LETT to 2020), Naomi Lifschitz-Grant (ARTS to 2019), J. Porter Lillis, Chair (SBS to 2020), Elizabeth Normandy (VC of AA Designee),  Rosemarie Pilarczyk (NSM to 2020),  Christina Reeves (Registrar), Mabel Rivera (EDUC to 2020) Roland Stout (NSM to 2019), Nathan Thomas (ARTS to 2020), Marian Wooten (EDUC to 2019), (SGA Secretary), (SGA Senator)



    Proposal Details Available in Curriculog System:

    (note: all faculty and staff can log into Curriculog with a UNCP id & password)


    1. Call to Order

    2. Adoption of Agenda 

    3. Approval of Minutes of December 6, 2018 (Appendix B: Minutes Pending Approval)


    4. Proposal from the Department of Art

    4.1 Program Proposal: Revise credit hours for Art Academic Concentration

    4.2 Program Proposal: Revise credit hours for Art, Art Education Licensure (K-12) Track, B.A.


    5. Proposal from the Department of Mass Communication

    5.1 Course Proposal: Create BRD 3200 On-Camera Performance


    6. Proposal from the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

    6.1 Course Proposal: Create CRJ 3020 Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice

    6.2 Course Proposal: Create CRJ 4020 Sex Crimes


    7. Proposal from the Department of History

    7.1 Course Proposal:Revise vertical alignment  in course numbers and course catalog description for SSE 4100 Principles of Teaching Social Studies



    8. Proposal from the School of Business, Department of Accounting and Finance

    8.1 Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 2270 “Financial Accounting” to “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Reporting” 

    8.2Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 2280 “Managerial Accounting” to “Accounting Tools for Managerial Decisions”

    8.3Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3210 “Intermediate Accounting I” to “Financial Reporting & Analysis I”

    8.4Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3220 “Intermediate Accounting II” to “Financial Reporting & Analysis II”

    8.5Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3310 “Cost Accounting” to “Cost Analysis and the Decision Making Process”

    8.6Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4130 “Accounting Information Systems” to “Accounting Information Systems and Data Analysis”

    8.7Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4170 “Income Tax I” to “Tax Planning for Individuals and Related Ethical Issues”

    8.8Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4180 “Income Tax II” to “Tax Planning for Business Entities and Related Ethical Issues”

    8.9Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4210 “Advanced Accounting” to “Reporting & Analysis of Complex Business Entities and Transactions” 

    8.10Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4580 “Auditing” to “Auditing Financial Statements with a Forensic Mindset”

    8.11Course Proposal: Revise title of BLAW 2150 “Business Law and Ethics” to “Legal and Ethical Issues in the Business Environment”

    8.12Course Proposal: Revise title of BLAW 3180 "Commercial Law" to “Ethical Standards and Commercial Regulations and Their Impact on Business”

    8.13 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites for FIN 3100 Business Finance

    8.14 Course Proposal:Create ACC 4220 Financial Reporting for Complex Business Entities, Governments, and Not-for-Profit Entities

    8.15 Course Proposal: Create ACC 4660 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination

    8.16 Program Proposal:Revise Accounting, BS




    9. Proposal from the School of Business, Department of Management, Marketing, and    

        International Business and Department of Economics and Decisions Sciences

    9.1 Course Proposal: Create BUS 3020 International Business

    9.2 Course Proposal: Create BUS 4020 Senior Seminar in Business

    9.3 Course Proposal:Revise MGT 3150 International Management

    9.4 Course Proposal:Revise MGT 4410 Operations Management

    9.5 Course Proposal:Revise MKT 3130 International Marketing

    9.6 Course Proposal:Revise MKT 4500 Marketing Research

    9.7 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Economics Track, B.S

    9.8 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Entrepreneurship Track, B.S

    9.9 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Finance Track, B.S

    9.10 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Management Track, B.S

    9.11 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Marketing Track, B.S

    9.12 Program Proposal:Delete Business Electives (3000 or 4000 level): 6 Sem. Hrs.

    9.13 Program Proposal:Revise requirements for BSBA Common Body of Knowledge: 45 Sem. Hrs.

    9.14 Program Proposal: Revise requirements for Major-Specific General Education Requirements



    10. Proposal from the Department of English, Theatre, and Foreign Languages

    10.1 Course Proposal: Create EED 5010 The Teaching of English, Methods and Materials 6-12

    10.2 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5010 Critical Approaches to Children's Literature

    10.3 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5310 Medieval and Early Modern Drama

    10.4 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5320 Rhetorical Analysis

    10.5 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5330 Working Class Literature

    10.6 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5340 Victorian Literature

    10.7 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5370 Study Abroad

    10.8 Program Proposal: Revise English Academic Concentration


    11. Proposal from the Department of Music

    11.1 Program Proposal: Revise Jazz Studies Minor for Music Majors 

    11.2 Program Proposal: Revise Jazz Studies Minor for Non-Music Majors

    11.3 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Instrumental Emphasis, B.M

    11.4 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Instrumental Orientation), B.M.

    11.5 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Vocal Orientation), B.M.

    11.6 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Vocal Emphasis, B.M.

    11.7 Program Proposal: Revise Music, B.A.

    11.9 Course Proposal:Create MUS 1210 Global Music

    11.10 Course Proposal:Create MUS 4130 Jazz Pedagogy

    11.11 Course Proposal:Revise grading and assessment for MUS 1810 Class Piano I for Music Majors

    11.12 Course Proposal:Revise grading and assessment for MUS 1820 Class Piano II for Music Majors

    11.13 Course Proposal:Revise MUS 3330 Rehearsal Lab

    11.14 Course Proposal:Revise MUS 3930 The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era



    12. Proposal from the Department of Social Work

    12.1 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites and language for SWK 3750 Social Work Practice with Latinx Populations

    12.2 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites and language for SWK 3890 Social Work Practice with LGBTQ Populations

    12.3 Course Proposal: Create SWK 4490 Social Work Practice with Justice-Involved Populations

    12.4 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5000 Micro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    12.5 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5130 Advanced Standing Bridge Course-Research Module

    12.6 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5150 Macro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    12.7 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5330 Advanced Standing Bridge Course I

    12.8 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5340 Advanced Standing Bridge Course II

    12.9 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5600 Advanced Clinical Assessment and Intervention Methods


    13. Proposal from Department of Teacher Education

    13.1 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5040 Basic Tenets of Education

    13.2 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5120 Advanced Studies of Exceptional Children

    13.3 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5450 Introduction to Curriculum Design and Best Practices

    13.4 Program Proposal: Create MAT Core: 9. Sem. Hrs.


    14. Old Business:

    15. New Business

    16. Announcements

    17. Adjournment




    The following proposals have been withdrawn by Music and Writing Intensive Committee. 

    11.8 Program Proposal: Revise Music, Music Industry Emphasis--Classical Track, B.A.
    11.9 Program Proposal: Revise Music, Music Industry Emphasis--Jazz and Commercial Track, B.A.

    12. Proposal from the Writing Intensive Committee; Polina Chemishnova
    12.1 Program Proposal: Add MUS 3930 The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era to the list of Writing Enriched Courses 



    Subcommittee on Curriculum

    Thursday, February 7, 2019

    3:30 PM Room 213 University Center


    Members:Monika Brown (LETT to 2019), Tracy Cooper (SBS to 2019), Diana Lee, Secretary (LETT to 2020), Naomi Lifschitz-Grant (ARTS to 2019), J. Porter Lillis, Chair (SBS to 2020), Elizabeth Normandy (VC of AA Designee),  Rosemarie Pilarczyk (NSM to 2020),  Christina Reeves (Registrar), Mabel Rivera (EDUC to 2020) Roland Stout (NSM to 2019), Nathan Thomas (ARTS to 2020), Marian Wooten (EDUC to 2019), (SGA Secretary), (SGA Senator)



    Proposal Details Available in Curriculog System:

    (note: all faculty and staff can log into Curriculog with a UNCP id & password)


    1. Call to Order

    2. Adoption of Agenda 

    3. Approval of Minutes of December 6, 2018 (Appendix B: Minutes Pending Approval)


    4. Proposal from the Department of Art

    4.1 Program Proposal: Revise credit hours for Art Academic Concentration

    4.2 Program Proposal: Revise credit hours for Art, Art Education Licensure (K-12) Track, B.A.


    5. Proposal from the Department of Mass Communication

    5.1 Course Proposal: Create BRD 3200 On-Camera Performance


    6. Proposal from the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice

    6.1 Course Proposal: Create CRJ 3020 Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice

    6.2 Course Proposal: Create CRJ 4020 Sex Crimes


    7. Proposal from the Department of History

    7.1 Course Proposal:Revise vertical alignment  in course numbers and course catalog description for SSE 4100 Principles of Teaching Social Studies



    8. Proposal from the School of Business, Department of Accounting and Finance

    8.1 Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 2270 “Financial Accounting” to “Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Reporting” 

    8.2Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 2280 “Managerial Accounting” to “Accounting Tools for Managerial Decisions”

    8.3Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3210 “Intermediate Accounting I” to “Financial Reporting & Analysis I”

    8.4Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3220 “Intermediate Accounting II” to “Financial Reporting & Analysis II”

    8.5Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 3310 “Cost Accounting” to “Cost Analysis and the Decision Making Process”

    8.6Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4130 “Accounting Information Systems” to “Accounting Information Systems and Data Analysis”

    8.7Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4170 “Income Tax I” to “Tax Planning for Individuals and Related Ethical Issues”

    8.8Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4180 “Income Tax II” to “Tax Planning for Business Entities and Related Ethical Issues”

    8.9Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4210 “Advanced Accounting” to “Reporting & Analysis of Complex Business Entities and Transactions” 

    8.10Course Proposal: Revise title of ACC 4580 “Auditing” to “Auditing Financial Statements with a Forensic Mindset”

    8.11Course Proposal: Revise title of BLAW 2150 “Business Law and Ethics” to “Legal and Ethical Issues in the Business Environment”

    8.12Course Proposal: Revise title of BLAW 3180 "Commercial Law" to “Ethical Standards and Commercial Regulations and Their Impact on Business”

    8.13 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites for FIN 3100 Business Finance

    8.14 Course Proposal:Create ACC 4220 Financial Reporting for Complex Business Entities, Governments, and Not-for-Profit Entities

    8.15 Course Proposal: Create ACC 4660 Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination

    8.16 Program Proposal:Revise Accounting, BS




    9. Proposal from the School of Business, Department of Management, Marketing, and    

        International Business and Department of Economics and Decisions Sciences

    9.1 Course Proposal: Create BUS 3020 International Business

    9.2 Course Proposal: Create BUS 4020 Senior Seminar in Business

    9.3 Course Proposal:Revise MGT 3150 International Management

    9.4 Course Proposal:Revise MGT 4410 Operations Management

    9.5 Course Proposal:Revise MKT 3130 International Marketing

    9.6 Course Proposal:Revise MKT 4500 Marketing Research

    9.7 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Economics Track, B.S

    9.8 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Entrepreneurship Track, B.S

    9.9 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Finance Track, B.S

    9.10 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Management Track, B.S

    9.11 Program Revision Proposal: Revise Business Administration, Marketing Track, B.S

    9.12 Program Proposal:Delete Business Electives (3000 or 4000 level): 6 Sem. Hrs.

    9.13 Program Proposal:Revise requirements for BSBA Common Body of Knowledge: 45 Sem. Hrs.

    9.14 Program Proposal: Revise requirements for Major-Specific General Education Requirements



    10. Proposal from the Department of English, Theatre, and Foreign Languages

    10.1 Course Proposal: Create EED 5010 The Teaching of English, Methods and Materials 6-12

    10.2 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5010 Critical Approaches to Children's Literature

    10.3 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5310 Medieval and Early Modern Drama

    10.4 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5320 Rhetorical Analysis

    10.5 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5330 Working Class Literature

    10.6 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5340 Victorian Literature

    10.7 Course Proposal: Create ENG 5370 Study Abroad

    10.8 Program Proposal: Revise English Academic Concentration


    11. Proposal from the Department of Music

    11.1 Program Proposal: Revise Jazz Studies Minor for Music Majors 

    11.2 Program Proposal: Revise Jazz Studies Minor for Non-Music Majors

    11.3 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Instrumental Emphasis, B.M

    11.4 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Instrumental Orientation), B.M.

    11.5 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Vocal Orientation), B.M.

    11.6 Program Proposal: Revise Music Education (K-12), Vocal Emphasis, B.M.

    11.7 Program Proposal: Revise Music, B.A.

    11.9 Course Proposal:Create MUS 1210 Global Music

    11.10 Course Proposal:Create MUS 4130 Jazz Pedagogy

    11.11 Course Proposal:Revise grading and assessment for MUS 1810 Class Piano I for Music Majors

    11.12 Course Proposal:Revise grading and assessment for MUS 1820 Class Piano II for Music Majors

    11.13 Course Proposal:Revise MUS 3330 Rehearsal Lab

    11.14 Course Proposal:Revise MUS 3930 The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era



    12. Proposal from the Department of Social Work

    12.1 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites and language for SWK 3750 Social Work Practice with Latinx Populations

    12.2 Course Proposal: Revise prerequisites and language for SWK 3890 Social Work Practice with LGBTQ Populations

    12.3 Course Proposal: Create SWK 4490 Social Work Practice with Justice-Involved Populations

    12.4 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5000 Micro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    12.5 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5130 Advanced Standing Bridge Course-Research Module

    12.6 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5150 Macro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

    12.7 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5330 Advanced Standing Bridge Course I

    12.8 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5340 Advanced Standing Bridge Course II

    12.9 Course Proposal: Delete SWK 5600 Advanced Clinical Assessment and Intervention Methods


    13. Proposal from Department of Teacher Education

    13.1 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5040 Basic Tenets of Education

    13.2 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5120 Advanced Studies of Exceptional Children

    13.3 Course Proposal: Revise EDN 5450 Introduction to Curriculum Design and Best Practices

    13.4 Program Proposal: Create MAT Core: 9. Sem. Hrs.


    14. Old Business:

    15. New Business

    16. Announcements

    17. Adjournment

  • Status:
  • Created By:
    John Lillis
    John Lillis

  1. ACC - 2270 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Reporting Proposal is completed.

  2. ACC - 3210 - Financial Reporting & Analysis I Proposal is completed.

  3. ACC - 3220 - Financial Reporting and Analysis II Proposal is completed.

  4. ACC - 3310 - Cost Analysis and the Decision Making Process Proposal is completed.

  5. ACC - 4130 - Accounting Information Systems and Data Analysis Proposal is completed.

  6. ACC - 4170 - Tax Planning for Individuals and Related Ethical Issues Proposal is completed.

  7. ACC - 4180 - Tax Planning for Business Entities and Related Ethical Issues Proposal is completed.

  8. ACC - 4210 - Reporting & Analysis of Complex Business Entities and Transactions Proposal is completed.

  9. ACC - 4220 - Financial Reporting for Complex Business Entities, Governments, and Not-for-Profit Entities Proposal is completed.

  10. ACC - 4580 - Auditing Financial Statements with a Forensic Mindset Proposal is completed.

  11. Accounting, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  12. Art Academic Concentration Proposal is completed.

  13. Art, Art Education Licensure (K-12) Track, B.A. Proposal is completed.

  14. BLAW - 3180 - Ethical Standards and Commercial Regulations and Their Impact on Business Proposal is completed.

  15. BRD - 3200 - On-Camera Performance Proposal is completed.

  16. BSBA Common Body of Knowledge: 45 Sem. Hrs. Proposal is completed.

  17. BUS - 3020 - International Business Proposal is completed.

  18. BUS - 4020 - Senior Seminar in Business Proposal is completed.

  19. Business Administration, Economics Track, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  20. Business Administration, Entrepreneurship Track, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  21. Business Administration, Finance Track, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  22. Business Administration, Management Track, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  23. Business Administration, Marketing Track, B.S. Proposal is completed.

  24. Business Electives (3000 or 4000 level): 6 Sem. Hrs. Proposal is completed.

  25. CRJ - 3020 - Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice Proposal is completed.

  26. CRJ - 4020 - Sex Crimes Proposal is completed.

  27. EED - 5010 - The Teaching of English, Methods and Materials 6-12 Proposal is completed.

  28. ENG - 5010 - Critical Approaches to Children's Literature Proposal is completed.

  29. ENG - 5310 - Medieval and Early Modern Drama Proposal is completed.

  30. ENG - 5320 - Rhetorical Analysis Proposal is completed.

  31. ENG - 5330 - Working Class Literature Proposal is completed.

  32. ENG - 5340 - Victorian Literature Proposal is completed.

  33. ENGS - 5370 - Study Abroad Proposal is completed.

  34. English Academic Concentration Proposal is completed.

  35. FIN - 3100 - Business Finance Proposal is completed.

  36. Jazz Studies Minor for Music Majors Proposal is completed.

  37. Jazz Studies Minor for Non-Music Majors Proposal is completed.

  38. MGT - 3150 - International Management Proposal is completed.

  39. MGT - 4410 - Operations Management Proposal is completed.

  40. MKT - 3130 - International Marketing Proposal is completed.

  41. MKT - 4500 - Marketing Research Proposal is completed.

  42. MUS - 1210 - Global Music Proposal is completed.

  43. MUS - 1810 - Class Piano I for Music Majors Proposal is completed.

  44. MUS - 1820 - Class Piano II for Music Majors Proposal is completed.

  45. MUS - 3330 - Rehearsal Lab Proposal is completed.

  46. MUS - 3930 - The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era Proposal is completed.

  47. MUS - 4130 - Jazz Pedagogy Proposal is completed.

  48. Major-Specific General Education Requirements Proposal is completed.

  49. Music Education (K-12), Instrumental Emphasis, B.M. Proposal is completed.

  50. Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Instrumental Orientation), B.M. Proposal is completed.

  51. Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Vocal Orientation), B.M. Proposal is completed.

  52. Music Education (K-12), Vocal Emphasis, B.M. Proposal is completed.

  53. Music, B.A. Proposal is completed.

  54. SWK - 5000 - Micro Human Behavior and the Social Environment Proposal is completed.

  55. SWK - 5130 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course-Research Module Proposal is completed.

  56. SWK - 5150 - Macro Human Behavior and the Social Environment Proposal is completed.

  57. SWK - 5330 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course I Proposal is completed.

  58. SWK - 5340 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course II Proposal is completed.

  59. SWK - 5600 - Advanced Clinical Assessment and Intervention Methods Proposal is completed.


Process Summary


ACC - 2270 - Fundamentals of Financial Accounting and Reporting

Process Summary


ACC - 3210 - Financial Reporting & Analysis I

Process Summary


ACC - 3220 - Financial Reporting and Analysis II

Process Summary


ACC - 3310 - Cost Analysis and the Decision Making Process

Process Summary


ACC - 4130 - Accounting Information Systems and Data Analysis

Process Summary


ACC - 4170 - Tax Planning for Individuals and Related Ethical Issues

Process Summary


ACC - 4180 - Tax Planning for Business Entities and Related Ethical Issues

Process Summary


ACC - 4210 - Reporting & Analysis of Complex Business Entities and Transactions

Process Summary


ACC - 4220 - Financial Reporting for Complex Business Entities, Governments, and Not-for-Profit Entities

Process Summary


ACC - 4580 - Auditing Financial Statements with a Forensic Mindset

Process Summary


Accounting, B.S.

Process Summary


Art Academic Concentration

Process Summary


Art, Art Education Licensure (K-12) Track, B.A.

Process Summary


BLAW - 3180 - Ethical Standards and Commercial Regulations and Their Impact on Business

Process Summary


BRD - 3200 - On-Camera Performance

Process Summary


BSBA Common Body of Knowledge: 45 Sem. Hrs.

Process Summary


BUS - 3020 - International Business

Process Summary


BUS - 4020 - Senior Seminar in Business

Process Summary


Business Administration, Economics Track, B.S.

Process Summary


Business Administration, Entrepreneurship Track, B.S.

Process Summary


Business Administration, Finance Track, B.S.

Process Summary


Business Administration, Management Track, B.S.

Process Summary


Business Administration, Marketing Track, B.S.

Process Summary


Business Electives (3000 or 4000 level): 6 Sem. Hrs.

Process Summary


CRJ - 3020 - Wrongful Convictions and Miscarriages of Justice

Process Summary


CRJ - 4020 - Sex Crimes

Process Summary


EED - 5010 - The Teaching of English, Methods and Materials 6-12

Process Summary


ENG - 5010 - Critical Approaches to Children's Literature

Process Summary


ENG - 5310 - Medieval and Early Modern Drama

Process Summary


ENG - 5320 - Rhetorical Analysis

Process Summary


ENG - 5330 - Working Class Literature

Process Summary


ENG - 5340 - Victorian Literature

Process Summary


ENGS - 5370 - Study Abroad

Process Summary


English Academic Concentration

Process Summary


FIN - 3100 - Business Finance

Process Summary


Jazz Studies Minor for Music Majors

Process Summary


Jazz Studies Minor for Non-Music Majors

Process Summary


MGT - 3150 - International Management

Process Summary


MGT - 4410 - Operations Management

Process Summary


MKT - 3130 - International Marketing

Process Summary


MKT - 4500 - Marketing Research

Process Summary


MUS - 1210 - Global Music

Process Summary


MUS - 1810 - Class Piano I for Music Majors

Process Summary


MUS - 1820 - Class Piano II for Music Majors

Process Summary


MUS - 3330 - Rehearsal Lab

Process Summary


MUS - 3930 - The World of Music: Classical to the Contemporary Era

Process Summary


MUS - 4130 - Jazz Pedagogy

Process Summary


Major-Specific General Education Requirements

Process Summary


Music Education (K-12), Instrumental Emphasis, B.M.

Process Summary


Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Instrumental Orientation), B.M.

Process Summary


Music Education (K-12), Keyboard Emphasis (Vocal Orientation), B.M.

Process Summary


Music Education (K-12), Vocal Emphasis, B.M.

Process Summary


Music, B.A.

Process Summary


SWK - 5000 - Micro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Process Summary


SWK - 5130 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course-Research Module

Process Summary


SWK - 5150 - Macro Human Behavior and the Social Environment

Process Summary


SWK - 5330 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course I

Process Summary


SWK - 5340 - Advanced Standing Bridge Course II

Process Summary


SWK - 5600 - Advanced Clinical Assessment and Intervention Methods

First | All Listed | None Listed

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